
Monday, July 18, 2011

Word Broken Heart

there may be some people who are experiencing a broken heart since abandoned by the love and been betrayed by people who are most dear and well loved, and therefore much beloved word Broken Heart of ink they are being hurt is also betrayed,

Broken Heart spoken word is truly from the heart that hurt was the greatest work we can make because we will be moved to make a beautiful sentence when our feelings are hurt or in an atmosphere that could be because we are happy, as well as our issue the next word is sad, very touching when you read it. and therefore we will give a little word heartbroken for you below.

Broken Heart says:

Springs satisfaction must come from the mind, people who have little knowledge of human nature to seek happiness by changing anything but his own disposition, will waste his life without sorrow and multiplying the result he wanted to eliminate.
Samuel Johnson

Hopefully you have enough happiness to make you kind, enough trials to make you strong. Enough sorrow to keep you human. Hope enough to make you happy.

We enjoy warmth because we have cold, we appreciate light because we are never in the dark, so we can rejoice because we've felt the sadness.
David L. Weatherford

The saddest thing is when people come to us to go running away, and feeling sad as we increase the number of footsteps when he left us

Love what you love only minimally, because it could be someday it will be something that you hate; And hate something that you hate only minimally, because it could be someday it will be something you love.

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